Thursday, June 10, 2010

First day in Hong Kong!

I am currently sitting in my cool dorm room feeling very accomplished for many reasons. First of all, I made it to Hong Kong in the first place! Our flight left at 11:50 PM from LA and was scheduled to arrive in HK at 5:30 AM. I flew on the airline Cathay Pacific and let me just say... it was the coolest plane I have ever been on! Chris and I had seats in the very back of the plane and we concerned about whether or not we would be able to recline in our seats. We discovered upon finding our tiny little bucket chairs that the seats did a neat thing where they slide down to allow you to recline without leaning back into the person's seat behind you. While clever, it made the leg room for us "tall" passengers very squished. However, the tv that was placed in front of every passenger's individual seat more than made up for the squished knees and strained necks. It was so cool. We could play games on the screen, choose which movies we wanted to watch (good ones too!), and we could even change the view to an outside camera located underneath the belly of the plane. Now while all of this was amazing, it did not compare to the foot rests, private rooms/areas, personal massagers and free alcohol that was provided to the first and business class passengers. The service was great and the vegetarian meal was wonderful as well. It should be noted that I managed to sleep fairly soundly for the first 8-9 hours. My professor later commented that I looked so incredibly uncomfortable at one point while sleeping in a pretzel like position that he had no idea how I managed to rest at all. Well, I did! I am however getting very tired as we speak. I had an amazingly full day and yet it is only about 6:30PM here.

We arrived at about 5 this morning (Wednesday). It is very strange that I lost Tuesday the 8th of June forever because of the time change and the length of the flight! But I think it was worth it. When we arrived, we grabbed our luggage fairly painlessly and prepared ourselves for the burden of customs, yet were surprisingly satisfied when all we had to do was walk through an area lined with customs officers. Very painless. A group of about ten or so students, including Chris and me, then proceeded to try to find our way out of the airport and to the dorm and CUHK, Chinese University of Hong Kong. We rode the AirBus A41 from the airport all the way to the Sha Tin bus stop located on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong. The bus was very cool and a double decker so we got to see the amazing countryside. So far the weather has been rainy, muggy and overcast. I have been told that that is the norm for June though. Once we arrived at the bus stop the group split up and we all took cabs to the I-House, which is our dorm at CUHK! Since we had a lot of luggage this was the best option. I rode in a cab with Chris and the rest of the group followed shortly after. Once we arrived at the I-House, we checked in painlessly… minus the part where the tiny Chinese women took our temperature with a gun looking device that she pointed at our foreheads! I finally got to my “flat” and I have an awesome corner room, which I am sharing with two other girls… including my TA for the class! I was getting settled when I met some ladies from the accounting program that is also being held here for UT students. Almost immediately after changing shirts and making my bed, we decided to venture out into the city. We took the MTR (metro) to the stop of Hung Hom. Once we got there, we found the Metropolis shopping mall. We were very hungry and searching for breakfast until we realized that it was only about 9am in HK. So we came across a food court in the mall where a few restaurants were open. I chose a tomato salad that ended up being tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and mayo. Needless to say, I only ate the tomatoes. Chris and I then shared some veggie-fried rice while some of our other friends ate shrimp dumplings (questionable) and beef fried rice (also questionable!). We shopped after breakfast but did not find anything too interesting so we headed back to the MTR station. It was at this station that I decided to use the restroom before we went to ladies market. Once I managed to find the bathroom, it became clear that the toilets were located on the floor of the stall… aka a hole in the floor! Needless to say, that was an experience.

We then headed to the Mong Kok East area and found a ladies market, fish market , and produce market. It was raining and a lot of students bought umbrellas for 10 HKD which is around $1.30 USD. I literally felt like I was in Chinatown in NYC, yet it was actually China! We had so much fun.

After the authentic market experience, a group of the group headed back to a mall in the area on the search for phones. I found one, along with a few others, at an electronic store for about $25 USD. We then bought SIM cards from a man on the street near the MTR. I was a little nervous, but they actually worked! I was able to call my mom on the bus ride back to the I-House at CUHK. It was great and I love my little phone.

After making it back to the school, we had an orientation meeting where we learned about the school. It was great to take a tour of the campus and find things like the swimming pool, canteen, bank, and market. I bought some food and then took the bus back to the dorm with my two roommates, Julie and Elizabeth.

After all the excitement of the day, I was very tired. I started to blog but then ended up taking a short nap. I then did hw until about 1 am with my roommate and went to bed! I slept great.

Day two begins… more to come later!


  1. Mal, thanks for all the interesting tidbits about your first day! I love it. Did you get my emails? Now, I understand from Lendsey that you need to register on Skype and we need to set a time to talk; otherwise, the chances of us being on the computer when the other calls are pretty remote. I didn't quite understand the process. I will hold Gilley while I talk to you! Lendsey and I practiced yelling at each other from upstairs to down--he was telling me what buttons to push, and they weren't on my screen. So, he got up in a huff, started cussing, and I saw and heard it all on the Skyper! It was hilarious. Gilley got me up, again, at 5:40 a.m. Why didn't she ever do that with you? I watch her and she runs right outside and "teets." We go back to bed for an hour, but it is just a tad frustrating! She has been doing the most adorable downward dogs and upward dogs in the morning. In fact, I noticed that Ella and Sassy do the same. (Obviously, this comment is from a person who has nothing going on in her life!). I did want to know why they call it the "Ladies Market?" Is it a sexist description, or does it somehow only pertain to women? Describing it as NYC Chinatown helps a lot for me to envision it. How are you sleeping in your tiny bed? Have all your adaptors worked for your camera battery, computer, etc.? Did you and your roommates buy a hair straightener, or are you just going curly? Let me know everything! How are the roomies, by the way. Would you prefer that I emailed you or commented on your blog? I don't want it to get too unwieldly if you are getting a lot of comments from people. So, tell me what to do. Last thing, Ashley sent an email and there is no progress from last week with Baby Dean, so we are just in a holding pattern. Love you, Mom

  2. Mal! Your blog is beyond awesome! I havent had time to check it all out till this morning! But I have read all the blogs and I am update now! Sounds like your already having a blast! I didnt know Chris was going too!! That has to be least you know one student! I love all your describing that you have written about, makes me feel like I am there with you! Well good luck! I will continue to read all about your Hong Kong experience!! Love you be safe!

  3. So interesting!! Thanks for all the details!!
